Hamilton-Niagara discusses underslab membrane

by nithya_caleb | January 15, 2018 9:24 am

On January 31, the Hamilton-Niagara Chapter[1] of CSC will hold a luncheon meeting at the Royal Canadian Legion[2] in Burlington, Ont. Russell Snow (W.R. Meadows of Canada) will present on “Selecting the Correct Underslab Membrane.”

The presentation will address:

The event runs from 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Architects, engineers, specification writers, building code professionals, owners, property managers, contractors, and subcontractors are the expected audience for this presentation, which qualifies for Ontario Association of Architects (OAA) points.

To register, contact Brian Dobbins[3], CTR, or John Lake[4].

  1. Hamilton-Niagara Chapter: http://hamilton-niagara.csc-dcc.ca/
  2. Royal Canadian Legion: http://www.lara.on.ca/~rcl60/
  3. Brian Dobbins: mailto:bdobbins@usg.com
  4. John Lake: mailto:j.l.lake@hotmail.com

Source URL: https://www.constructioncanada.net/hamilton-niagara-discusses-underslab-membrane/