Hamilton-Niagara Chapter unlocks keying systems

by nithya_caleb | November 6, 2018 10:22 am

The Hamilton-Niagara Chapter will hold a luncheon meeting on Wednesday, November 21, at the Royal Canadian Legion[1], Burlington, Ont., from 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Grahame Luters (Medeco Solutions Specialist) will talk about “Keying Systems.” The three-part presentation will focus on controlled keying and multilevel master key systems, traditional locking hardware and emerging threats, and electronic locking hardware.

Specification writers, property managers, owners, architects, general contractors (GCs), architects, and tradespersons can attend this presentation. At the end of the sessions, participants would have learnt about:

For more information and to register, contact Steve Loannides[2] or John Lake[3].

  1. Royal Canadian Legion: http://www.legion.ca/
  2. Steve Loannides: mailto:steve.ioannides@northernfacades.com
  3. John Lake: mailto:j.l.lake@hotmail.com

Source URL: https://www.constructioncanada.net/hamilton-niagara-chapter-unlocks-keying-systems/