Hamilton-area design professionals hold golf tournament

by | June 24, 2014 10:17 am

CSC’s Hamilton/Niagara Chapter and the Hamilton-Burlington Society of Architects are co-hosting a charity golf tournament on September 18.

The event will raise money for St. Matthew’s House[1] to help those living in poverty—last year’s game resulted in a donation of $12,000. It will be held at Lowville Golf Club[2], and players of all skill levels are welcome.

Registration[3] beings at 11 a.m., with the sponsored barbecue kicking off a half-hour later. Tee-off is at 1 p.m. for the team play scramble, with dinner following at 6 p.m.

Until August, early bird rates apply—$150 per person or $550 for a foursome, which includes lunch, green access, power cart, dinner, and prize draws. (After August 1, the respective entry fees are $175 and $650.) To reserve a spot, for more information, or to seek pricing for sponsorship opportunities, contact Terry Johnson at tjohnson32@cogeco.ca[4].

  1. St. Matthew’s House: http://stmatthewshouse.ca/
  2. Lowville Golf Club: http://www.lowvillegolf.com
  3. Registration: http://hamilton-niagara.csc-dcc.ca/img/content/HBSACSC%20Sept%2018%20Golf.pdf
  4. tjohnson32@cogeco.ca: mailto://tjohnson32@cogeco.ca

Source URL: https://www.constructioncanada.net/hamilton-area-design-professionals-hold-golf-tournament/