Fresh funding and strategy set to combat Atlantic Canada’s trades shortage

by arslan_ahmed | February 27, 2024 10:00 am

Shown here are construction workers at a scaffolding.[1]
The Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA) and SkillsPEI have allocated a total of $370,000 to the Construction Association of Prince Edward Island (CAPEI) for the development of an immigration strategy and a human resource plan. Photo courtesy Bigstock

The Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA) and SkillsPEI have allocated a total of $370,000 to the Construction Association of Prince Edward Island (CAPEI) for the development of an immigration strategy and a human resource plan.

This, in collaboration with the Government of Canada and regional partners, seeks to address the critical shortage of skilled tradespeople in Atlantic Canada’s construction sector.

Minister Gudie Hutchings, responsible for the ACOA, revealed a non-repayable contribution of $210,000 from ACOA’s Regional Economic Growth through Innovation (REGI) program. This funding will enable CAPEI create an immigration strategy connecting Atlantic Canadian construction companies with immigration expertise services, engaging qualified workers at international recruitment events, and offering integration training and support.

The Province of Prince Edward Island, through SkillsPEI, is contributing $160,000 towards CAPEI’s development of a human resource plan in collaboration with PEI construction employers. This will help identify immediate workforce shortages and key occupations needed for the sector’s growth. Minister Hutchings emphasized the initiative’s importance in meeting housing needs, stating, “This initiative will help recruit the right people for the right jobs so we can meet the housing needs of Atlantic Canadians.”

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