Five design teams shortlisted for monument for Afghan mission project

Five design teams have been selected to submit proposals for a national monument to Canada’s mission in Afghanistan in Ottawa, Ont. Image courtesy Veterans Affairs Canada
Five design teams have been selected to submit proposals for a national monument to Canada’s mission in Afghanistan in Ottawa, Ont.
Image courtesy Veterans Affairs Canada

Five teams have been selected by the Government of Canada to develop design proposals for the national monument to Canada’s mission in Afghanistan. The new monument will be built across the street from the Canadian War Museum in Ottawa, Ont.

The monument will recognize the commitment and sacrifice of Canadians who served in Afghanistan and the support provided to them at home, and will be a permanent place for Canadians to reflect on their service. The monument seeks to ensure future generations have the opportunity to learn more about the mission and Canada’s efforts in helping to rebuild Afghanistan.

The following teams of artists, landscape architects, architects, and other professionals were shortlisted by a jury of experts following the request for qualifications (RFQ) that opened on August 2, 2019 and closed on February 27, 2020:

These design teams will have until spring 2021 to complete their proposals.

The design concepts will be evaluated by the same jury, made up of experts in the fields of visual arts and urban design, and representatives from key stakeholder groups, including a veteran of Canada’s mission in Afghanistan, a representative of the families of the fallen, a non-veteran representative of the mission in Afghanistan, and a military historian.

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  1. Our involvement in Afghanistan was a disaster, and we shouldn’t have been there. Why would we waste taxpayers money for this fiasco. With the pandemic, we will be running out of money for real things.


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