First phase of Ontario Place redevelopment moving along

The Romantic Garden is part of the 3-ha (7.5-acre) East Island redevelopment project at Toronto’s Ontario Place. Image courtesy Ontario Ministry or Tourism, Culture, and Sport
The Romantic Garden is part of the 3-ha (7.5-acre) East Island redevelopment project at Toronto’s Ontario Place. Image courtesy Ontario Ministry or Tourism, Culture, and Sport

Request for proposals (RFPs) for the urban park and waterfront trail development at Ontario Place have been issued by Infrastructure Ontario (IO).

The five companies shortlisted for the project and invited to bid are:
● Aldershot;
● Eastern Construction;
● Elite;
● PCL; and
● Urbacon.

The construction will take place in two phases for the 3-ha (7.5-acre) East Island redevelopment. Beginning this fall, the first phase will include removing the existing parking lot, completing shoreline repairs and underground infrastructure, and preparing the site. The second phase, scheduled for fall 2015, will see the construction of the park and the surface-level elements.

Increasing green space and waterfront access was recorded as a top priority during public consultation on the project. As a result, part of the redeveloped East Island parking lot will see a public waterfront access connecting to parts of the Trans Canada Trail Ontario route and the Martin Goodman Trail. This urban park and waterfront trail project is the first step in the overall Ontario Place revitalization project.

“We are one step closer to our goal of creating a new, landmark park and trail on the East Island—the first phase of the Ontario Place revitalization,” said the province’s Minster of Tourism, Culture, and Sport, Michael Coteau. “The new park and trail will be open, accessible, and welcoming to everyone, and will offer spectacular views of the lake and city.”

Features of the East Island design include:
● ravine park gateway with granite carvings and etchings reflecting First Nations’ culture;
● continuous, looping 980-m (3215-ft) trail opened year-round with links to park features;
● The Romantic Garden at the water’s edge; and
● a boardwalk running along the water providing views of the city’s harbour and skyline.

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