Fall protection and building maintenance with CSC Edmonton

by | January 31, 2017 11:12 am

CSC’s Edmonton Chapter is hosting a February 14 breakfast meeting to cover requirements, options, and recommendations regarding fall protection systems and building maintenance anchors and davit systems.

Featuring guest speaker Richard Frost (Innovative Fall Protection Inc.), the talk begins at 7:30 a.m. at the Chateau Louis Conference Centre[1]. It covers government legislation and Canadian Standards Association (CSA) standards, as well as defines the differences and similarities between fall protection systems, rooftop swing stage tie back anchors, davit arm bases, and access solutions. For more information, or to register, click here[2].

  1. Chateau Louis Conference Centre: http://www.chateaulouis.com/
  2. here: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/fall-protection-and-building-maintenance-systems-tickets-30939885029?aff=es2

Source URL: https://www.constructioncanada.net/fall-protection-and-building-maintenance-with-csc-edmonton/