- Ross Browne Award
The F. Ross Browne Award recognizes editorial excellence in Construction Canada, highlighting the author or co-authors of an article in the magazine. The winner of this year’s F. Ross Browne Award was Alex Lukachko, for his article “Moisture Management for Tall Wood Buildings,” which appeared in the March 2022 issue of Construction Canada. He is a principal at RDH Building Science Inc., and a lecturer at the John H. Daniels Faculty of Architecture, Landscape, and Design at the University of Toronto. He works on the research and development of future building enclosure systems, and the design of high-performance, low-carbon mass timber buildings.
National Award of Merit
This award is presented to members in recognition of their contributions to the well-being of CSC beyond that of a Chapter Award of Merit, for exceptional effort, zeal, effectiveness, and time expended for the benefit of CSC as a whole and towards the betterment of the industry. This year, the National Award of Merit was presented to Colleen Barabonoff, RSW, for going above and beyond in her position as chair of the RSW committee.
Program Director Awards
Program Director Awards were given out in several categories.
In recognition of their work in preparation to host CSC Conference 2022, members of the multi-chapter 2022 Conference Committee received Program Director Awards:
- David Boyle, FCSC, CTR
- Michael Mooney
- Stan Bury, RSW
- Jonathan Dee
- Brian Dobbins, CTR
- Kees Govers
- Jeff Halashewski, RSW
- Steve Ioannides, CTR, CSP
- Cathie Schneider, CTR
- Joanna Wcislo
Education Certification Committee
For their continued efforts to streamline and improve CSC education offerings and the certification/registration process, the following Education Certification Committee members received Program Director Awards:
- Bob Friesen, CCCA
- Chris Lance, CCCA
- Jim Annable CCCA
- Michael Schneider, FCSC, CCCA, CSP
- Yvon Lachance, FDCC, ACCC
- Jesse Watson
- Corinne Golding, FCSC, RSW
- Abigail MacEachern, RSW
- Isabelle Champagne, CTR
- Steve Gusterson, FCSC, CTR
- Sylvie Dzikewich, CTR
- Stephanie Fargas, RSW, CSP
- Todd Gerrard, CTR
- Mike Ewaskiw, CTR
- Paul Wong, CSP
Membership Communications and Legislative
In recognition for their ongoing assistance in the revitalization of the Quebec Chapter, Program Director Awards were presented to:
- Yvon Lachance, FDCC, ACCC
- Eric Maltais
- Daniel Morin