Expanding EIFS quality across the country

by mbuckstein | January 4, 2012 10:06 am

Canadian EIFS industry personnel attend EIFS Quality Assurance Program review and exam sessions in Toronto img 0575[1]
The Exterior Insulation Finish Systems (EIFS) Council of Canada Quality Assurance Program Inc. (EQI) recently held Technical Review Manual (TRM) review and exam sessions in Toronto, with more than 180 EIFS mechanics, manufacturer representatives, and auditors participating. To date, more than 625 individuals have participated in similar sessions held across the country. Photo courtesy EIFS Council of Canada.

To keep up with the industry’s growing commitment to sustainable and performance-based design, the Exterior Insulation Finish Systems (EIFS) Council of Canada is continuing to expand its quality assurance (QA) program across the country.

The first system of its kind for any cladding in North America, the EIFS Quality Assurance Program Inc. (EQI) will help certified and licensed EIFS professionals transform the industry through design, material manufacturing, assembly, and in-place performance.

“These highly qualified professionals will successfully raise the bar across the entire cladding spectrum as owners and design professionals come to appreciate the value proposition we are delivering,” said John M. Garbin, council president and CEO. “The response and support that continues to build from the user and regulatory community has been inspiring and represents a satisfying validation of our industries’ efforts.”

EQI has several key components, from research and specifications to manufacturer evaluation, conflict resolution, and third-party warranty.

Garbin told Construction Canada Online the program is being launched across the country to create a certified and licensed industry responsive everywhere in Canada.

“The EQI process ensures uniformity wherever the project lands,” he explained. “This is especially critical for national accounts. The program’s cornerstone is its consistency in managing results.”

For more information, visit www.eifscouncil.org.

  1. [Image]: https://www.constructioncanada.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/Canadian-EIFS-industry-personnel-attend-EIFS-Quality-Assurance-Program-review-and-exam-sessions-in-Toronto-img-0575.jpg

Source URL: https://www.constructioncanada.net/expanding-eifs-quality-across-the-country/