Exceptional consulting engineers touted at annual awards gala

by carly_midgley | May 8, 2017 11:56 am

Kelowna’s Okanagan College–Trades Renewal and Expansion was one of 16 projects recognized at this year’s Association of Consulting Engineering Companies British Columbia (ACEC-BC) Awards for Engineering Excellence.
Photos courtesy ACEC-BC

Member firms with the Association of Consulting Engineering Companies British Columbia[2] (ACEC-BC) were honoured at the association’s Awards for Engineering Excellence Gala at the Westin Bayshore Hotel in Vancouver last month. Two individuals and various projects were recognized across six categories for exceptional engineering.

“The Awards for Engineering Excellence winners represent the best and brightest in our industry,” said Keith Sashaw, president and CEO of ACEC-BC. “The winning projects are some of the most impressive work we have seen from B.C.’s consulting engineers, who have been showcased on this stage for nearly three decades.”

The two individuals celebrated at this year’s awards were Zahra Pirani, P.Eng., of CH2M HILL Canada Limited, and Doug Hinton, P.Eng., of Hatch. Pirani earned the Young Professional Award for exceptional business and field performance in the first 10 years of her career, while Hinton earned the Meritous Achievement Award for lifetime contributions to the industry.

The City of Surrey was granted the 2017 Client of the Year Award for its communicative approach and its involvement in high-performing, successful projects over the past 40 years.

Lord Strathcona Elementary School in Vancouver was honoured with the Governor General’s Award for Engineering Excellence for its innovative base isolation solution to high seismic risk.

This year’s winners of awards of excellence were:

Meanwhile, awards of merit were granted to:

Lord Strathcona Elementary School was also granted the Governor General’s Award for Engineering Excellence thanks to its outstanding response to high seismic risk. This three-storey heritage building was the first Canadian building for which a base isolation solution was attempted, as well as the first project for which flat jacking was used to separate the parts of the structure above and below the isolation plane. The building now performs to above-code levels of immediate occupancy and heritage conservation post-earthquake.

  1. [Image]: https://www.constructioncanada.net/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/Okanagan-exterior-detail3.jpg
  2. Association of Consulting Engineering Companies British Columbia: https://www.acec-bc.ca/
  3. [Image]: https://www.constructioncanada.net/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/Photo-7_Flexible-Joints.jpg
  4. Lord Strathcona Elementary School Heritage Classroom Building–Base Isolation Seismic Upgrade: https://www.acec-bc.ca/media/51408/acecbcawards17-1lg.pdf
  5. Preserving Historic Victoria Cemetery through Trenchless Rehabilitation: https://www.acec-bc.ca/media/51417/acecbcawards17-2e1.pdf
  6. Port Mann Main Water Supply Tunnel: https://www.acec-bc.ca/media/51420/acecbcawards17-2e2.pdf
  7. Atal Setu (Basohli Bridge): https://www.acec-bc.ca/media/51381/acecbcawards17-3e.pdf
  8. Jimmie Creek Hydroelectric Project: https://www.acec-bc.ca/media/51390/acecbcawards17-4e.pdf
  9. Hydro Rock Bay Remediation Project: https://www.acec-bc.ca/media/51396/acecbcawards17-5e.pdf
  10. Millennium Line Evergreen Extension Operational Readiness Program: https://www.acec-bc.ca/media/51402/acecbcawards17-6e.pdf
  11. Okanagan College–Trades Renewal and Expansion: https://www.acec-bc.ca/media/51411/acecbcawards17-1m1.pdf
  12. Hamilton Transit Centre: https://www.acec-bc.ca/media/51414/acecbcawards17-1m2.pdf
  13. South Fork Water Treatment Plant–Safe Drinking Water: https://www.acec-bc.ca/media/51375/acecbcawards17-2m1.pdf
  14. Miami River Pump Station: https://www.acec-bc.ca/media/51378/acecbcawards17-2m2.pdf
  15. Abraham Lincoln Bridge: https://www.acec-bc.ca/media/51384/acecbcawards17-3m1.pdf
  16. Evergreen Line Rapid Transit Project: https://www.acec-bc.ca/media/51387/acecbcawards17-3m2.pdf
  17. Box Canyon Hydroelectric Project: https://www.acec-bc.ca/media/51393/acecbcawards17-4m.pdf
  18. Wildlife Detection System: https://www.acec-bc.ca/media/51399/acecbcawards17-5m.pdf
  19. Variable Speed Limit System: https://www.acec-bc.ca/media/51405/acecbcawards17-6m.pdf

Source URL: https://www.constructioncanada.net/exceptional-consulting-engineers-touted-at-annual-awards-gala/