Examining the potential of BIM with CSC Vancouver

by | March 10, 2015 12:58 pm

On Thursday, March 12, CSC’s Vancouver Chapter will be exploring the ramifications of building information modelling (BIM), and what it means to move to digital with respect to deliverables, from design to build and from build to operate.

The talk, presented by architect Geraldine Rayner of Summit BIM Consulting, seeks to challenge currently accepted processes, encourage consideration of alternative electronic means of communication, and ponder the benefit of seeing through the paper to read the data. She will examine the basics of BIM, along with various standards, Project Execution Plans (PxPs), Levels of Development (LODs), and Model Progression Specifications (MPSs).

The event takes place at the Sandman Hotel (180 West Georgia Street), in the ballroom located straight through the back of Moxie’s. It kicks off at 11:30 a.m. with a full-course buffet, with the speakers expected to finish by 1:30 p.m. Pre-registration[1]—ending Wednesday at 5 p.m.—is $32.00 for pre-registered CSC members, and $48 for non-members (plus GST). At the door, cost is $50.40 per person, but you must contact the chapter at (604) 868-8406 beforehand. For more information, e-mail the chapter officer Vince Smith[2].

  1. Pre-registration: http://www.karelo.com/restdetail.php?BID=212
  2. Vince Smith: mailto://vsmith@cloverdalepaint.com

Source URL: https://www.constructioncanada.net/examining-the-potential-of-bim-with-csc-vancouver/