EnerQuality forum and awards gala coming to GTA

by Katie Daniel | December 15, 2015 11:49 am

Business Conference and Presentation. Audience at the conference hall.[1]
EnerQuality’s annual forum and awards gala is headed to Richmond Hill, Ontario this coming February. Photo © Bigstock.com/kasto

EnerQuality, which certifies energy-efficient homes, is hosting its annual forum and awards gala on Feb. 25, 2016 in Richmond Hill, Ontario.

The EQ Housing Innovation Forum will focus on the future under the theme ‘Next Gen Next 10.’ Participants will discuss the future of home building, including new requirements in the Ontario Building Code (OBC) and Energy Star for New Homes program taking effect in 2017. Industry experts will discuss such topics as the shift to higher-density housing, the latest technologies, business innovation, and low- and mid-high rise building performance.

“We are in the middle of a really vigorous conversation about where we are going with the energy efficiency in homes,” said Corey McBurney, president of EnerQuality. “The next 10 years might be the most transformational decade ever in residential construction.”

Following the forum will be the awards gala, featuring three new categories:

“Over the last 10 years, Ontario’s home building industry has made enormous strides to improve the energy efficiency of new homes,” said McBurney. “Builders have worked really hard and it’s important for the rest of us to celebrate their achievements and recognize innovators.”

Nominations for the awards will be taken until Jan. 20 and winners will be announced live at the gala.

To make a nomination or register for the forum, click here.[2]

  1. [Image]: https://www.constructioncanada.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/bigstock-Audience-at-the-conference-hal-64962415.jpg
  2. here.: http://eqinnovation.ca/

Source URL: https://www.constructioncanada.net/enerquality-forum-and-awards-gala-coming-to-gta/