Electric Autonomy is hosting a design competition where the entrants are asked to incorporate the following design considerations:
A design for a roadside rest stop for a highway, allowing for visitors to engage in multiple activities, including vehicle recharging, dining and more. The design can take the form of a single building or multiple pavilions and areas.
Highway electric charging takes approximately 20 to 40 minutes so the dwell time is significantly longer on site than a typical fuel pump of five minutes. Design solutions should reflect the travelers’ convenience and hospitality needs. Be creative with the amenities provided on site, which can range from retail to dining to play areas for children and other landscape design features.
Users of the station can include families and other groups of leisure travelers, business travelers, and those driving on longer commutes.
Entrants are asked to include a submissions document of maximum 10 pages that tells the story of their entry both graphically and in words in a comprehensive way, along with discrete images as specified below.
The top three prizes consist of $25,000, $10,000 and $5000 as well as honorable mentions of participants.
Electric Autonomy is an independent news platform reporting on Canada’s transition to electric vehicles, autonomous transportation and new mobility services. EA’s editorial view is that electric vehicles have the potential to result in enormous benefits for society, such as safer, cleaner and more economical road transportation.