Edmonton Chapter to present on changes to the Alberta Building Code

by sadia_badhon | August 21, 2019 7:00 am

CSC Edmonton[1] is holding a presentation to discuss the architectural and design changes to the National Building Code of Canada2019 Alberta Edition [NBC(AE)]. This new edition replaces the 2014 Alberta Building Code (ABC) and is effective this year. The breakfast meeting will take place on Thursday, September 12, from 7:30 to 10 a.m. at the Chateau Louis Hotel & Conference Centre[2].

Speaker Nabil Habashy from the municipal affairs ministry will focus on Part 3 and Part 9 of the NBC(AE).

Click here[3] more for information or to register.

  1. CSC Edmonton: http://edmonton.csc-dcc.ca/
  2. Chateau Louis Hotel & Conference Centre: https://www.chateaulouis.com/
  3. here: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/csc-breakfast-meeting-changes-to-the-alberta-building-code-tickets-68542499461

Source URL: https://www.constructioncanada.net/edmonton-chapter-to-present-on-changes-to-the-alberta-building-code/