E-book covers drainage and ventilation for adhered masonry walls

by Cindy Macdonald | September 12, 2018 11:18 am

Thin brick veneer popped off the substrate.
Photo courtesy Mortar Net Solutions

In masonry cavity walls, the cavity provides a path for drainage and ventilation and acts as a capillary break. However, adhered masonry veneers, like stucco, have been installed for hundreds of years without drainage or ventilation. So why do we need to add drainage and ventilation planes to adhered masonry walls now? The short answer is energy standards.

More details on the use of drainage materials with adhered masonry veneers is available in the latest addition to Construction Canada’s series of sponsored e-books.  Building with Masonry provides a detailed look at the technical aspects of designing masonry wall assemblies and restoration of deteriorated masonry buildings.

This four-part e-book covers adhered masonry walls, stacked stone, energy code compliance, and rebuilding aging masonry.

Readers will learn techniques to meet the National Energy Code of Canada for Buildings requirements using the trade-off compliance path, and read about the restoration of multi-wythe brick masonry on a clock tower in Huntsville, Ont. In addition, the improper use of traditional masonry ties and stacked stone in thin cladding projects is discussed.

Download the Building with Masonry e-book in two different formats—pdf or digital edition—by visiting https://constructioncanada.net/ebook/hb-building-with-masonry-e-book/[2]


  1. [Image]: https://www.constructioncanada.net/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/Drainage-popped-veneer_forw.jpg
  2. https://constructioncanada.net/ebook/hb-building-with-masonry-e-book/: https://constructioncanada.net/ebook/hb-building-with-masonry-e-book/

Source URL: https://www.constructioncanada.net/e-book-covers-drainage-and-ventilation-for-adhered-masonry-walls/