Acoustics is one of the few areas with truly multi-disciplinary impact, affecting architectural, mechanical, electrical, and structural equally. CSC’s Toronto contingent is combining its annual chapter meeting with a post-dinner technical conversation about the subject on Tuesday, May 3.
Steve Titus, president of Aercoustics Engineering Ltd. (and an author for Construction Canada), will provide a high-level discussion the key acoustical design parameters that help create successful buildings. Regardless of the project type, parameters like background noise, room acoustics, sound isolation, and vibration control need to be considered to create a comfortable acoustic environment.
Cocktails at the Toronto Cricket and Curling Club kick off at 5:15 p.m., with dinner and presentation to follow. Registration, including tax, is $50 for members, $55 for non-members, and $60 cash at the door. Visit
Enjoyed Steve Titus’ presentation in Ottawa on March 7th ( Highly recommended!