CSC Vancouver Island hosting PCD classes

by | January 16, 2015 5:29 pm

The Vancouver Island Chapter of CSC is sponsoring an in-class version of the Principles of Construction Documentation (PCD) course.

The PCD, which serves as a precursor to all other CSC education courses, is designed for anyone in construction, whether they work as a designer, consultant, contractor, or supplier. Its 30-hour introductory curriculum enables participants to have a better understanding of construction documentation (i.e. specifications, drawings, and schedules), along with products, bidding procedures, and contracts.

The course will be held Tuesday evenings (6 to 9 p.m.), from February 10 to April 14, at the offices of D. Graham Architecture Inc. in Sydney, B.C.; the final exam is tentatively scheduled for Tuesday, April 21.

Registration[1] is strictly limited to 12 students, with spaces quickly filling. The $575 (plus tax) admission ($675 for non-members) includes the course manual and refreshments.

  1. Registration:

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