CSC Vancouver: Human health and material considerations in LEED

by | November 29, 2016 12:37 pm

The Vancouver Chapter of CSC is presenting a discussion on the human health and material considerations in Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) v4—the newest iteration of the sustainable project rating program.

On Thursday, December 8, Marsha Gentile (director of sustainability at Ledcor Construction Ltd.) will explore how designing for health is becoming an increasingly important part of what it means to be a green building as evidenced by the focus on human health in LEED v4. Materials and Resources (MR) is the most heavily revised category in v4. Design professionals will have to relearn the requirements for credit compliance to implement the new strategies effectively.

This luncheon session highlights the key changes and challenges of Building Product Disclosure and Optimization credits and Low-emitting Materials requirements. Gentile will also discuss disclosure and transparency tools, including product category rules (PCRs), life cycle assessments (LCAs), environmental product declarations (EPDs), and health product declarations (HPDs).

Held at the Sandman Hotel ballroom (through the back of the Moxie’s), it begins at 11:30 a.m. with a buffet, with the talk expected to conclude by 1:30 p.m. Admission is $38 for pre-registered[1] CSC members or $48 for non-members, plus GST. CSC Vancouver is a registered Architectural Institute of British Columbia (AIBC) provider.

  1. pre-registered:

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