CSC Toronto’s No Frills trade show returns

by Katie Daniel | February 16, 2016 3:18 pm

The No Frills trade show by Construction Specifications Canada (CSC) will be held in Toronto at the beginning of March. Photo © ryelo357
The No Frills trade show by Construction Specifications Canada (CSC)’s Toronto Chapter will be held in Toronto at the beginning of March.
Photo © ryelo357

The Toronto chapter of Construction Specifications Canada (CSC) is hosting its annual No Frills trade show at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre on Mar. 3.

Attendees are able to connect face-to-face with suppliers and manufacturers, ask technical questions, get the latest on product information, and network with those from across the industry. There will also be an opportunity to attend educational seminars and hands-on demonstration sessions on below-grade and seismic expansion joint installation and elastic bonding systems for quiet wood floors.

Two lectures—one on six-storey, wood-framed buildings by Stephen Street of WoodWorks and the Canadian Wood Council, and another on changes to the Ontario Building Code (OBC) permitting mid-rise wood-framed buildings by Michael de Lint of the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing (MAH) are also planned. Further, this year’s keynote speaker is Senator Art Eggleton, who will be discussing international competitiveness in Canada’s city regions.

A free workshop of specification writing and contract administration will also be held from 2 to 3 p.m.

For more information on the trade show, click here.[1]

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