CSC Toronto’s No Frills Show rebrands as Building Expo

Attendee registration for the CSC Building Expo (formerly known as the No Frills Show) will open in the new year. Exhibitor registration has already opened. Image courtesy Bigstock
Attendee registration for the CSC Building Expo (formerly known as the No Frills Show) will open in the new year. Exhibitor registration has already opened.
Image © BigStockPhoto

The CSC Building Expo—as the Toronto Chapter’s annual No Frills Show event is now known—is coming to the Metro Toronto Convention Centre on Wednesday, March 1.

The show will take place in the south building of the Metro Toronto Convention Centre. Geoff Smith of EllisDon construction and building services will deliver a keynote speech at the event. President of EllisDon since 1996, Smith is a member of the Canadian Council of Chief Executives and the Canadian Council for Public-Private Partnerships, and was the recipient of the Jock Tindale Award and the Ernst and Young Canadian Entrepreneur of the Year award in 2011 and 2013, respectively. Doors will open to the public as of 1:15 p.m., and the expo itself will run until 6 p.m. After that, doors close and exhibitors are given time to clean up their booths.

A variety of table location options were available, but many options are now sold out. Click here for more details.

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