CSC Toronto hosting a dinner meeting with fire

by | November 17, 2015 12:52 pm

On Tuesday, December 1, the Toronto Chapter of CSC is hosting life-safety engineer, Jack Keays, P.Eng., to discuss various fire safety considerations in wood buildings.

Keays, a member of Jensen Hughes Consulting Canada Ltd. will cover recent changes to the Ontario Building Code (OBC), along with wood-related points, ranging from limitations in height and area to fire separations, firestopping, and sprinklers. Keays has previously written for Construction Canada about specifying combustible construction[1].

The talk takes places as part of the chapter’s regular evening meetings, held at the Toronto Skating, Curling, and Cricket Club. It kicks off at 5:15 p.m. with cocktails and follows dinner. Admission[2] is $50 for members, $55 for non-members, and $60 at the door (including HST).

  1. specifying combustible construction:
  2. Admission:

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