CSC student design competition launched for GTA and Southwestern Ontario

The CSC Student Design Competition, organized by the Toronto and Grand Valley Chapters, is now underway.

The latest iteration of “Tapping the Future,” CSC’s student design competition sponsored by the association’s Toronto and Grand Valley Chapters, has launched.

The contest involves taking an actual space and then showing how it could be theoretically reimagined; the process enables students to show their skills with architecture, building materials, and construction documentation. The real-world subject of this year’s contest is Kitchener’s Catalyst 137’s 44,130-m2 (475,000-sf) space, which will be purpose-built for makers. The building at 137 Glasgow St. will serve as a concentration point for the talent, hardware engineering services, and venture capital support required to build the next generation of companies focused on the Internet of Things (IoT).

It is located in the heart of Canada’s ‘Technology Triangle, 3 km (2 mi) southeast of the University of Waterloo and about 1 km (1/2 mi) west of Google’s new headquarters. This also means close proximity to the Iron Horse Trail, allowing pedestrians, cyclists, and joggers to access the public space at the front of the building. Voisin Capital’s newest project, it serves as an ideal case study to expose young design professionals to a relevant, current, and trendsetting initiative.

To help them explore it, Planitar has created a virtual site tour, using its iGuide program.

Registration takes place until April 26. Groups of up to four individuals can participate for $25. (For more information, click here . College and university educators interested in incorporating the competition into curriculum can contact the Grand Valley chair, Cathie Schneider.)

Winners will be announced at the Grand Valley Chapter’s Connections Café held in May—a follow-up story in Construction Canada will profile the top take. To see previous competition results, check out news articles on the 2014 and 2015 events.

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