CSC’s Saskatoon Chapter is looking for students interested in the Principles of Construction Documentation (PCD) course, which is designed to give attendees a better understanding of construction documentation, bidding procedures, and contracts.
The 11 weekly classes, which begin September 12, will mark the first time the chapter has offered the newly updated PCD curriculum.
The course itself serves as a prerequisite for the Certified Technical Representative (CTR) and Certified Construction Contract Administrator (CCCA) designations from CSC. The PCD is designed for individuals involved in the construction industry, who at any point in their career are required to produce, read, or supply products for the project manual/specification. In other words, it is for anyone in construction, whether they work as a designer, consultant, contractor, or supplier.
Registration is $550 for CSC members and $650 for non-members, plus GST.
For more information, contact Jenny Dergousoff, A.Sc.T.