CSC Saskatoon offering Construction Contract Administration course

by | July 31, 2017 5:36 pm

The Saskatoon Chapter of CSC will be offering the Construction Contract Administration (CCA)[1] course this September.

The nine weekly sessions, held on Mondays beginning September 18, serve to offer a solid foundation for understanding the role of the contract administrator in the construction process.

Intended for contract administrators, property managers, design professionals, building authorities, bonding/insurance agencies, and specifiers, its topics include:

Successful completion of the Principles of Construction Documentation (PCD)[2] course is a prerequisite to attend.

Registration is $550 for members and $695 for nonmembers, plus GST. (This price includes a chapter subsidy.) For more information, contact Jenny Dergousoff[3].

  1. Construction Contract Administration (CCA):
  2. Principles of Construction Documentation (PCD):
  3. contact Jenny Dergousoff: mailto://

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