CSC Ottawa holding PCD course

by | August 22, 2017 12:27 pm

This fall, the CSC Ottawa Chapter is offering the Principles of Construction Documentation (PCD)[1] class, which serves as an important prerequisite to other CSC designations and certifications.

The course will run over five Saturdays (from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.), beginning September 16 and ending October 21 (there will be no class on the Thanksgiving long weekend). For registration, click here.[2] For more information, contact the chapter’s chair Charbel Abou-Tayeh[3], P.Eng., P.GSC, PMP, LEED AP, CCCA, CM-Lean.

  1. Principles of Construction Documentation (PCD):
  2. here.:
  3. Charbel Abou-Tayeh: mailto://

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