CSC Edmonton delves into legal matters

by | November 25, 2014 3:41 pm

On Tuesday, December 9, CSC’s Edmonton Chapter is holding a breakfast meeting about statutory declarations.

The discussion centres on how it may be common for contractors to make false statutory declarations in order to obtain payment on construction projects, along with the serious legal consequences.

The speaker, Barrie R. Touchings is a barrister and solicitor, and has provided advice to all the participants in the construction industry since 1970. He holds a bachelor of law degree from the University of Alberta, where he continues to teach construction and engineering law for the Faculties of Engineering and Extension.

The event takes place at the Chateau Louis Conference Centre. Breakfast will be served at 7 a.m., with the presentation running from 7:30 to 9 a.m.

Advance registration[1] is $35, or $45 at the door.

  1. Advance registration:

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