CSC Conference: Concrete reinforcement alternatives article earns editorial acclaim

Last month, Chris Bennett, iSCS, CDT, and Aurora Jensen received the F. Ross Browne Award for editorial excellence for their article “Rethinking Rebar: Reinforcement Goes Green,” at the Construction Specifications Canada (CSC) Conference in Calgary, Alberta.
The award highlights the author or co-authors of an article in Construction Canada for originality, relevance, and style. This year, editorial advisors selected Bennett and Jensen’s feature, which was published in the October 2022 issue.
Bennett is CEO of a North American concrete consultancy that provides owner and designer representation, helping oversee documents and installation in the development of sustainable concrete solutions, as well as risk and schedule reductions. He has also provided input to the National Research Council Canada for National Master Specification (NMS) content. Jensen is a project manager and materials specialist in Brightworks’ office in New York, where she specializes in embodied carbon measurement and reduction strategies. She also has experience in operational carbon modelling and evaluating passive strategies, and helps clients link operational and embodied carbon considerations and evaluate trade-offs.
For more on the various awards and events associated with the CSC Conference, see the July 2023 issue of Construction Canada, which will feature an in-depth wrap-up of the show.