The 2012 edition of Canadian Standards Association’s (CSA’s) electrical code is now available.
The Canadian Electrical Code (CEC), Part 1, is updated every three years to stay current with the speed and number of changes to technology and to keep pace with new developments in the sustainable use of technology, explained CSA’s Tim Pope. Along with updates to sustainable technologies, such as solar power and renewable energy systems, the changes encompass the industry as a whole—everything from splash pads and electric heat controls in bathrooms, to grounding conductor size, and conductor ampacities.
“The 2012 code recognizes new products, new technologies, and establishes common requirements for electrical safety in new and growing technology areas,” said Pope. “Common regulation helps the construction industry by facilitating inter-provincial mobility of goods and labour, and by providing a level playing field for manufacturers, designers, and installers.”
CEC revisions include:
• updated installation steps for various renewable energy systems including wind and fuel cells;
• new technologies, techniques, and calculations for solar power;
• new and enhanced rules addressing the safety, load calculation, and installation of electric-vehicle-charging equipment;
• mandated receptacles for each cord-connected overhead garage door opener in residential garages (new construction); and
• receptacle requirements for non-residential buildings to help HVAC technicians safely maintain rooftop equipment using power tools.
For more information, visit www.knowthecode2012.com.