Construction waste ‘call to action’ launched

by mbuckstein | March 20, 2013 3:56 pm

The Mission 2030 initiative, officially launched by the Construction Resource Initiatives Council (CRI Council), aims to reduce waste from construction sites globally. Photos courtesy Construction Resource Initiatives Council.

Construction Resource Initiatives Council (CRI Council) officially launched Mission 2030, its first major program, in Toronto last month.

The Ottawa-based organization’s Mission 2030 is a global ‘call to action’ for the construction industry. Its aim is to significantly reduce renovation, construction, and demolition waste sent to landfills by the year 2030.

The launch event included industry members from across the country, and speakers including United Nations Environment Programme Sustainable Building & Climate Initiative leader, Teresa Coady, and former Green Party of Canada leader, Jim Harris.

CRI’s founding president, Renée Gratton, told Construction Canada OnlineMission 2030 has been receiving increased levels of interest nationally.

“More and more associations are interested, and companies and individuals are starting to take the [Mission 2030] pledge,” she said. “As well, the core team continues to grow, and projects are now underway to assist all stakeholders in taking action.”

Companies and industry members contributing to the initiative are working toward the first benchmark of a 15 per cent waste reduction by 2015. For those wanting to play an active role in the initiative, Gratton advises becoming educated on roles within the industry, and measuring and verifying current waste generation along with chain of custody.

For more information, visit

The CRI’s Mission 2030 was officially launched at an event in Toronto last month.

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