Comparative concrete standard proposed

A standard is being developed by ASTM Committee C01 on Cement to determine methods to compare the quality of fly ash for alkali activation. Photo © BigStockPhoto/Alison Hancock.

A proposed ASTM International standard will be used to create data comparing alkali-activated fly ash and natural pozzolans’ compressive strength.

Being developed by ASTM Committee C01 on Cement, under the jurisdiction of Subcommittee C01.13 on Special Cements, ASTM WK42602, Test Method for Compressive Strength of Alkali-activated Coal Fly Ash and Raw or Calcined Natural Pozzolan Cement Mortars (Using 50-mm [2-in.] Cube Specimens), will be useful to material producers, testing laboratories, and research groups.

The standard helps ensure consumers are receiving high-quality alkali-activated materials.

Additionally, it may be used to compare different sources, as well as monitor change in strength from a single fly ash or natural pozzolan source, explained Ivan Diaz-Loya, PhD, research engineer and member of ASTM C01 and C09 on Concrete and Concrete Aggregates.

“This standard will provide a means to compare the quality of fly ash for alkali activation,” he told Construction Canada Online. “It is the first of its kind for this type of material, and hopefully will become the base to develop other standard specifications.”

ASTM members are welcome to participate in the development of ASTM WK42602. Click here for more information.

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