CODA 2021 award winners announced

by maz_atta | September 7, 2021 3:58 pm

The 9th annual Collaboration of Design + Art (CODA) awards recognize projects that integrate commissioned art into interior, architectural, or public spaces. Photo courtesy CODAworx

Collaboration of Design + Art’s (CODA) 9th annual international design competition announced winners across 10 categories, as well as two People’s Choice award winners.

This award recognizes projects integrating commissioned art into interior, architectural, or public spaces.

“The CODA awards recognize the importance of collaboration, and honors design and art professionals whose collective imaginations create the public and private spaces that inspire us,” said Toni Sikes, CEO of CODAworx.

The 9th annual international design competition awards were given to the following collaborative projects, by category:

This year’s 374 CODA awards entries represent over $463 million in commission fees from 19 countries. A jury of 18 esteemed members of the design, architecture, and art worlds evaluated each entry on three unique criteria across ten categories:

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