Climate change initiatives to use $46.7M in funding to adapt built environment

by brittney_cutler_2 | July 5, 2022 6:57 pm

Two initiatives received funding to help improve negative climate conditions to ensure new and existing structures continue to support the health, safety, and prosperity of Canadians.Photo courtesy ©

Two initiatives received funding to help improve negative climate conditions to ensure new and existing structures continue to support the health, safety, and prosperity of Canadians.

The Climate Resilient Built Environment (CRBE) initiative, funded by Infrastructure Canada and led by the National Research Council of Canada (NRCC), will provide the knowledge to adapt public infrastructure where necessary, inform changes to building and infrastructure codes, and create guides, standards, tools, and technical solutions for climate resilience. With $35 million in funding over five years, the initiative will highlight the importance of resilience through collaboration across the construction sector, from design and decision-making to construction, operation, maintenance, and retrofit.

The Standards to Support Resilience in Infrastructure Program (SSRIP), led by the Standards Council of Canada, will receive $11.7 million over five years to deliver standards and related guidance to address priority areas such as heat, flooding, and permafrost degradation in the north. The program is working with communities and beneficiaries to ensure these standardization projects promote a consistent approach to climate change adaptation and support informed decision-making for infrastructure and buildings across Canada.

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