Celebrating CSC’s sixtieth anniversary

by | November 4, 2014 2:53 pm

This year, CSC-DCC commemorates its diamond anniversary.  [1]
This year, CSC-DCC commemorates its diamond anniversary.

In the latest issue of Construction Canada, we take a brief look[2] at how Construction Specifications Canada has grown over the last six decades—from its humble beginning as the Specification Writers Association of Canada (SWAC) to the modern incarnation of CSC-DCC.

Of course, it is impossible to get a real sense of the organization’s storied past in a manner of pages. For further reading, check out the following links:

● “Fifty Years of CSC: The Epitome of Sustainability[3],” from the May 2004 issue of Construction Canada;
● “Pages from Our Past: A Look Through Our History,[4]” from the March 2008 issue of Construction Canada; and
● Fifty Years of Serving the Construction Industry[5], the CSC coffee-table book.

Now, it’s your turn to “Share the Experience.” In the comments below, tell the world why you are CSC. How long have you been a member and why did you join? What have been some of your memorable moments along the way?

  1. [Image]: https://www.constructioncanada.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/Cake.jpg
  2. brief look: http://www.kenilworth.com/publications/cc/de/201410/files/84.html
  3. Fifty Years of CSC: The Epitome of Sustainability: https://www.constructioncanada.net/newsletter/files/CC_May04_50_Years_LR.pdf
  4. Pages from Our Past: A Look Through Our History,: https://www.constructioncanada.net/newsletter/files/CC_MarApril08_Cover_Story_LR.pdf
  5. Fifty Years of Serving the Construction Industry: http://csc-dcc.ca/img/content/history_book.pdf

Source URL: https://www.constructioncanada.net/celebrating-cscs-sixtieth-anniversary/