Celebrating award-winners at CanBIM’s Regional Session

by carly_midgley | December 29, 2016 10:36 am

The Regional Session held by the Canada Building Information Modelling (BIM) Council (CanBIM) in Toronto this October featured a ceremony celebrating the winners of the organization’s second annual awards, as well as educational opportunities. Photo © BigStockPhoto
The Regional Session held by the Canada Building Information Modelling (BIM) Council (CanBIM) in Toronto this October featured a ceremony celebrating the winners of the organization’s second annual awards, as well as educational opportunities.
Photo © BigStockPhoto

The Canada Building Information Modelling (BIM) Council[1] (CanBIM) held a Regional Session at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre in early October, featuring events such as panels, project site tours, and awards ceremonies. The event’s keynote address, “The Digitization of Everything” by Gordon Kurtenbach, and its Owners Panel Discussion were particularly successful.

“We were able to quickly delve into the challenges that owners are facing when going down a BIM-enabled project delivery process and transitioning to BIM-enabled asset life cycle management,” says Erik Poirier, PhD, M.Eng., B.Sc.Arch., LEED AP, of this discussion, which he moderated. “On the other hand, we got to witness owners who see the benefits and are increasingly moving towards BIM. I believe that the key takeaway from this session is that owners are aware of BIM and that the industry needs to get ready for mandatory BIM-based deliverables on an increasing number projects across Canada.”

(To read more of Poirier’s work on BIM, check out his December 2016 Construction Canada article here[2].)

The organization also held its sixth Certification Ceremony at the session, granting 13 certifications—with seven given in person—to bring CanBIM’s total to 149. Turner Fleischer Architects was also acknowledged as the first Canadian company to reach CanBIM Level 1 Company Certification.

“We are honoured to recognize Turner Fleischer Architects with this milestone. Being the first Level 1 CanBIM Certified Company, the Turner Fleischer team has set the bar in terms of dedication and commitment towards becoming BIM-enabled,” says Pietro Ferrari, CanBIM’s secretary and chair of its research and education committee. “We look forward to supporting their growth into BIM and working with them to change how companies view the importance of BIM.”

CanBIM Award winners for 2016 included:

This last project was one of the two available for site tours[3] prior to the awards. EllisDon’s York University Subway Station could also be toured, but as an active jobsite with no photography permitted and full protective equipment required.

CanBIM’s next Regional Session will take place at the Pinnacle Hotel in Vancouver February 1 and 2. Registration can be completed here[4].

  1. Canada Building Information Modelling (BIM) Council: http://www.canbim.com/
  2. here: https://www.constructioncanada.net/bim-in-canada-moving-toward-a-national-mandate-for-building-information-modelling/
  3. site tours: http://www.canbim.com/toronto16-tour
  4. here: https://www.regonline.ca/builder/site/?eventid=1899566

Source URL: https://www.constructioncanada.net/celebrating-award-winners-at-canbims-regional-session/