CCBFC announces first public review of proposed code changes

by carly_midgley | November 22, 2016 7:53 am

Members of the public can submit comments reviewing proposed code changes to the National Research Council (NRC) until December 9. Photo © BigStockPhoto
Members of the public can submit comments reviewing proposed code changes to the National Research Council (NRC) until December 9.
Photo © BigStockPhoto

Until December 9, members of the public are invited to review proposed changes to Codes Canada 2015 publications, including national building, fire, plumbing, and energy codes. This first review round has a primary focus on the National Energy Code for Buildings (NECB) and National Plumbing Code (NPC).

Organized by the Canadian Commission on Building and Fire Codes (CCBFC), this call for comments is intended to create a nation-wide forum wherein anyone can comment on code changes—although final changes are subject to CCBFC’s approval. The commission will take final recommendations from its Standing Committees after all comments have been reviewed.

The National Research Council (NRC) will publish the final versions of the changes in the 2020 editions of each code. In the interim, comments can be made on the NRC website[1], which also provides a number of guidelines for submission.

Many of these guidelines focus on ensuring submissions remain technical and not based on opinion. They state, for example, any negative comments will be discounted as unhelpful unless they are explained, and comments concerning any part of the code not directly related to the proposed changes will not be considered. The guidelines also warn the commenting process is not a ‘vote,’ and that the amount of people who make the same comment will have no effect on whether or not that comment is incorporated.

Heavy emphasis is placed on technical supportability. Most of the comment guidelines encourage those responding to back up their statements with data, statistics, reports, or other documentation to ensure they are taken seriously. The hope is participants will point out things overlooked or unforeseen by code officials.

Further guidelines[2], comment submission instructions, and the proposed changes themselves can also be found on the NRC website. All comments must be submitted by 4:00 p.m. EST on the closing date.

  1. website:
  2. guidelines:

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