Canadian natural stone course online

A Canadian version of the University of Ceramic Tile and Stone’s (UofCTS’s) online course, “Understanding the Basics of Natural Stone,” has been created. Available through Terrazzo, Tile, and Marble Association of Canada (TTMAC), this development comes after the success of UofCTS’s conversion of its “Understanding the Basics of Ceramic Tile” to a Canadian online course.

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Selecting steel solutions

Canadian Institute of Steel Construction’s (CISC’s) Project Solutions initiative is now offering the CISC Solutions Centre to members and associates. Owners, developers, architects, and engineers can perform cost analysis between steel framing systems and other materials. The centre includes development packages containing steel alternatives for framing, flooring, fire protection, and various other design elements.

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PDF anywhere app available

Bluebeam Software has released its Revu program for iPad, allowing users to access PDF documents from anywhere. The app will contribute to more digitized and less limited work environments. From the office to the jobsite, users can edit, share, and collaborate on PDF markups with colleagues.

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A book on the Calgary that could have been

Unbuilt Calgary, a new book showcasing 30 proposed, but never constructed, Cowtown projects is now available through Dundurn Press. Stephanie White, a Calgary-based architect with a PhD in urban geography, put together the survey of projects that never came to fruition—from downtown buildings to roads and bridges—during the city’s first century. All projects are accompanied with original drawings and models that could have potentially changed the shape of Calgary today.

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Earth building book out now

Released in July, Modern Earth Buildings (Woodhead Publishing) is a reference book for designers, architects, and academics, exploring construction issues associated with earth building. Along with other international earth-building experts, the book was co-edited by B.C.-based Sirewall CEO/founder and Terra Firma Builders president, Merof Krayenhoff.

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Green Up and cut building costs

The Canada Green Building Council (CaGBC) has released Green Up, a building performance and cost analysis program for owners and operators. The system helps users find ways to improve on the operational and environmental performance of projects in their buildings. Green Up also provides access to a national source of data on the building performance of offices, long-term healthcare facilities, retail centres, K-12 schools, and government buildings.

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New fire-resistant designs announced

The Gypsum Association released the 20th edition GA-600, Fire Resistance Design Manual (FRDM). Since the first version in 1958, the manual has become the standard industry reference for architects, design professionals, builders, drywall contractors, and the building code enforcement community.

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Aluminum directory released

The Aluminum Association (AA) has released North America Aluminum Industry Plant Directory, listing 464 known North American facilities in operation as of December 31, 2011. The resource covers 54 aluminum plants in Canada, 377 in the United States, and 33 in Mexico. It provides the company name, location, products, and contact information.

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Sustainable building community platform unveiled

Product management and project collaboration solution, GreenWizard, has launched BuildCommunity––an interactive platform for green building intelligence. A single, unified website for building professionals to share knowledge about green building, it allows users to search for products by attributes, third-party certifications, and Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs).

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Creating site waste removal plans

Now available to Canadian construction companies, architects, designers, and waste removal companies, planning software SmartWaste Canada can help make sustainable design and building easier. The program allows users to create Site Waste Management Plans (SWMPs) and monitor waste generation. It also helps businesses save time planning, managing, and reporting waste management plans.

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