Looking at design, health, and environment

Imperfect Health: The Medicalization of Architecture investigates historical connections between health, design, and the environment. Released in both French and English editions by the Canadian Centre for Architecture (CCA) and Lars Müller Publishers, the collection of essays was edited by Giovanna Borasi and Mirko Zardini.

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IIDEX/NeoCon returns to Toronto

On September 20 and 21, the IIDEX/NeoCon Canada show will bring together more than 15,000 interior designers, architects, facility managers, real estate, and business executives in a national forum that helps power the country’s design industry. As in years past, the show will be held at Toronto’s Direct Energy Centre.

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EIFS newsletter begins publication

The EIFS Council of Canada (ECC) has recently launched The Choice, a bimonthly national newsletter for the exterior insulation and finishing system (EIFS) industry. The publication covers the organization’s marketing and media efforts, and aims to increase its Canadian impact, engaging both members and the development and building industry.

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Upgrading guidelines for tilt-up concrete

The Tilt-up Concrete Association (TCA) is reviewing and updating Guideline for Temporary Wind Bracing of Tilt-up Concrete Panels During Construction. This is the first new edition since 2005, with previous releases in 1994 and 1998. With additional revisions reflecting American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) 7-10, Minimum Design Loads of Buildings and Other Structures, the resource will be published later this year.

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New program for project collaboration

Bluebeam Software has announced its new program, Revu 10, to link related project information for architects, engineers, and construction professionals. Features include cloud storage, hyperlink management, space definition for automated tracking in PDFs, 3-D PDF creation, and markup to 3-D views. PDFs and other Windows files of up to five gigabytes (GB) can now be stored and shared for free, providing additional storage with a subscription.

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CaGBC National Conference and Expo 2012 in Toronto

Next month, the Canada Green Building Council (CaGBC) brings its national conference and expo to the Metro Toronto Convention Centre. From June 11 to 13, the 10th anniversary of the country’s biggest gathering of sustainability-focused building professionals and decision-makers will attract more than 1000 attendees and over 100 exhibitors. The event’s theme, “Beyond Buildings: The Green City,” emphasizes the implementation of sustainable design and operations on a larger scale beyond any one individual project.

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CaGBC national conference in Toronto

This year, the Canada Green Building Council (CaGBC) will be celebrating its 10th anniversary by bringing its national conference and expo to the Metro Toronto Convention Centre. From June 11 to 13, the country’s biggest gathering of sustainability-focused building professionals and decision-makers will attract more than 1000 attendees and over 100 exhibitors.

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BIM’s place in architecture schools

BIM in Academia is a compellation of essays from a wide range of experts that look at how building information modelling (BIM) is taught in architecture schools. While the effect BIM has on the profession is not fully understood, this is even more apparent when it comes to its impact on the world of academics. Topics include in-depth discussions on BIM’s place in schools and whether it is an advanced technique to traditional education, or a basic tool that should now be taught early on in the curriculum.

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TCA releases second book in tilt-up trilogy

he Tilt-up Concrete Association (TCA) has released The Construction of Tilt-Up, the second book in a trilogy focusing on the building material’s architecture, engineering, and construction. The large-format book covers topic like slabs and foundation, connections, and placing and finishing of panels.

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Harmonizing North American fenestration standard

The 2011 North American Fenestration Standard/Specification (NAFS) has received final approval as AAMA/WDMA/CSA 101/I.S.2/A440. The new document is part of efforts to harmonize North American standards. It is already referenced in the 2012 editions of the International Building Code (IBC) and is being proposed to be incorporated into the forthcoming update of National Building Code of Canada (NBC).

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