Mid-rise wood construction guide published

Released by WoodWorks!, Mid-rise Wood Construction in the Ontario Building Code is based on a detailed code analysis performed by Morrison Hershfield for construction and design professionals interested in wood-frame mid-rise construction now permitted by the Ontario Building Code (OBC). The guide explores new provisions to educate readers on what is now possible in the province in terms of wood building. These changes include the option to create five- and six-storey buildings with wood. This resource outlines potential building challenges, as well as opportunities for designers…

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MPI publishes painting manual

The Master Painters Institute (MPI) has released a resource for selecting system options on both interior and exterior surfaces. Architectural Painting Specification Manual includes descriptions for nearly 50 interior and exterior surfaces of different qualities, as well as information on appropriate surface preparation for various applications. Dewpoints, wood types, paint-spread rates, and concrete masonry unit (CMU) standards are also discussed. An MPI Approved Product List outlines how products match up to criteria with full descriptions. …

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Aluminum design guide available

The Aluminum Association has released the 10th edition of the Aluminum Design Manual—a reference for design/construction professionals working with the material in structural applications. The guide is referenced in the 2015 International Building Code (IBC), and it allows engineers to create safe and innovative structures using modern, lightweight, corrosion-resistant aluminum alloys. Chapters of the guide include “Specification for Aluminum Structures,” “Commentary to the Specification for Aluminum Structures,” “Material Properties,” “Section Properties,” and “Design Aids.” Illustrated …

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ARMA videos released

The Asphalt Roofing Manufacturers Association (ARMA) has released educational videos providing a look at the various components making up low- and steep-slope assemblies. “Asphalt Roofing 101–A System above the Rest,” educates the homeowner and commercial property owner in two separate segments. Roofing components such as ice and water barriers, underlayment, shingle-starters, asphalt shingles, hip and ridge shingles, and ventilation are examined. The videos showcase images and information illustrating each component and how they work together. …

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ROOFTech in Vancouver this May

National roofing conference ROOFTech is headed to Vancouver for two days of exhibitors, seminars, and demonstrations. Sponsored by the Canadian Roofing Contractors Association (CRCA), the 12th biennial conference will take place May 5 and 6 at the Vancouver Convention Centre. Each day will start with a free seminar—Tuesday morning will be “Wind Uplift: The Next Big Lift” led by Josh Jensen, AScT, CHI, RRO, RRC and Wednesday will be “Controlling Mould Growth in Ventilated Wood-frame …

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Interlocking concrete pavement software gets an update

Permeable Design Pro Software v2.0, originally released by the Interlocking Concrete Pavement Institute (ICPI) in 2008, has been updated to include computer-aided design (CAD) design output. The program is able to generate permeable interlocking concrete pavement (PICP) cross-section drawings with base and subbase thicknesses. Additionally, solutions for stormwater management in pedestrian areas, parking lots, and streets can be evaluated. Based on the information submitted by the user, outputs can include an underdrain, geotextile, and impermeable liner if no infiltration into the soil subgrade is required.

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Tall building resource published

Best Tall Buildings: A Global Overview of 2014 Skyscrapers showcases the most notable tall buildings constructed around the world last year, including major projects from the Middle East, Europe and the Americas. The book features buildings with innovative designs and integrated sustainable elements. Additionally, the Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat’s (CTBUH’s) annual awards process is documented within the publication. The award for Best Tall Building Worldwide is chosen from one of four regional champions, with winners of the Urban Habitat Award, CTBUH Innovation Award, Performance Award, and Lifetime Achievement Award also examined in the book. Other features include descriptions of each winning project and detailed drawings.

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New management program for construction professionals released

ARC Document Solutions has released SkySite—a cloud-based document management software for architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) professionals. With the file-sharing program, users can manage, distribute, and collaborate on documents from both mobile and desktop devices. Additional features include document synchronization, real-time mark-up capabilities, enhanced security, and activity-tracking. SkySite can also be integrated with ARC service centres for further end-to-end document management, digital hardcopy conversion, and uploading.

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Sustainable kitchen and bathroom guide available

Kitchens in typical households use the bulk of energy. When combined with bathrooms, they also consume an average of 1140 L (300 gal) of water daily. Published by Wiley, the U.S. National Kitchen and Bath Association’s (NKBA’s) Kitchen & Bath Sustainable Design is a manual to greening these rooms, both for new construction and remodelling projects. Case studies of various projects demonstrate design strategies for energy efficiency, water consumption, and environmental impact, while also including standards and code-compliance information.

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CWC helps advance sustainable design with LCAs

With support from the Canadian Wood Council (CWC), Athena Sustainable Materials Institute provides free lifecycle assessment (LCA) tools and resources for construction industry professionals. LCAs provide a way to estimate environmental impacts over a material’s life, and can assist specifiers and designers in choosing products for projects. Resource consumption, waste creation, and potential air, land, and water impacts, are included in these assessments. Information included reflects the changes to the newest …

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