CSC No Frills returns to Toronto

CSC’s Toronto Chapter will be hosting the 37th annual No Frills Show on Thursday, March 5. The one-day event, billed as the city’s longest-running construction show, will be held in Constitution Hall of the Metro Toronto Convention Centre’s (MTCC’s) North Building. It kicks off at 11 a.m. with a brief Connections Café, followed by the traditional ticketed luncheon at 11:30 a.m—this year’s guest speaker is the premier of Ontario, Kathleen Wynne. The tradeshow itself runs from 1:15 to 6 p.m., with more than 225 vendors showing off the newest in construction technologies and services from across MasterFormat. Like its name suggests, the show takes a low-key approach compared to the giant booths found at many conventions and expos…

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Painting specification manual released

An updated Architectural Painting Specification Manual has been released by Master Painters Institute (MPI). Originally published in 1967, the guide is useful for architects, engineers, specifiers, and paint industry professionals. The manual discusses the pros and cons of various options for interior and exterior surfaces, along with providing information on dewpoints, wood types, paint spread rates, and concrete masonry unit (CMU) standards. The MPI Approved Product list includes listings from 60 manufacturers, as well as gloss standards and performance criteria. The volatile organic compound (VOC) and Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) information is also included for each product listing….

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Sustainable concrete resource available for download

The Cement Association of Canada (CAC) has released Rediscover Concrete–Essential Solutions for Sustainable Buildings and Infrastructure, a source of information regarding the sustainability of concrete. Concrete information in the document includes the material’s benefits, overview of the manufacturing process, lifecycle assessments (LCAs), and links to various different resources. One of the guide’s functions is to encourage the support of tools like LCAs that demonstrate the sustainable properties of the material. The document is available for …

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New function for specification software available

MasterSpec Mechanical/Electrical (M/E) specifications can now be processed by Arcom’s Altarix program. This new function allows engineers to create more efficient specifications with an on-screen editor. Specifiers are also able to reuse sections from existing projects specifications for custom sections on new projects. The program can also be used to create and maintain a master specification that can incorporate regularly updated MasterSpec content. Additionally, Altarix can generate on-demand tables or submittal logs and contents, track …

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Firestop education manual released

The Firestop Contractors International Association (FCIA) has developed a comprehensive Firestop Containment Worker Education Program (FSCW-EP). The organization is focused on promoting knowledge regarding firestopping and effective compartmentation, as well as educating workers and building owners on compartmentation performance. The training program is offered in two parts of the FCIA Firestop Manual of Practice: Firestop Containment Worker Edition (FSCW-M) and the Firestop Containment Worker Instructor Edition, which is the complete Education Program (FSCW-IE). The manual …

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Hardware PCRs and EPDs published

The Builders Hardware Manufacturers Association (BHMA) has published product category rules (PCRs) for locks, latches, exit devices, door closers, and hinges. This sets the framework for manufacturers to develop environmental product declarations (EPDs), which increase transparency and help design professionals compare components. PCRs identify the rules and requirements for lifecycle assessments (LCA), and are important for EPDs under International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 14025, Environmental Labels and Declarations: Type III Environmental Declarations–Principles and Procedures. These …

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Environmental control systems resource published

The updated fourth edition of Heating, Cooling, Lighting: Sustainable Design Methods for Architects is now available from Wiley. Written by Norbert Lechner, the text is geared toward architects and provides guidance on how to minimize mechanical systems and energy use throughout the life of a building. Some of the techniques examined are siting, design, and landscaping for maximizing natural heating, cooling, and lighting. The updated version now includes new integrated design strategy information, case studies, …

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Thermal analysis guide available

The Building Envelope Thermal Analysis (BETA) Guide is now available for download through B.C. Hydro. The resource, developed by engineering firm Morrison Hershfield, was co-sponsored by B.C. Hydro Power Smart, Canadian Wood Council (CWC), Fortis B.C., FPInnovations, and Homeowner Protection Office to address challenges facing the industry in terms of mitigating bridging to reduce building’s energy consumption. The guide includes a catalogue of the thermal performance of common building envelope assemblies and interface details, data …

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New natural stone selection app available

Marble Institute of America (MIA) has released Stones of North America Version 3, providing design and construction professionals with access to detailed information about stones quarried in North America. The free, comprehensive iPad app includes 31 new natural stones from more than 100 quarries, programming updates, and companion websites providing additional information. Architects, builders, and design professionals can search for natural stones by type, colour, intended use, and distance from the project. For each type, …

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Builder’s hardware certification video released

A video and two new infographics have been released by Builders Hardware Manufacturers Association (BHMA) to illustrate the organization’s certification process. The certification applies to locks, closers, exit devices, and other types of builder’s hardware with the goal of creating safer facilities. The four-minute video is aimed at architects, specifiers, or building owners, and provides a concise visualization of how hardware is certified. Commonly asked questions are answered about applications, lab testing, and audits with …

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