Toronto’s largest green roof earns award

Toronto City Hall’s vegetated roof project has earned building envelope contractor, Flynn Canada, a Canadian Nursery Landscape Association (CNLA) National Award of Landscape Excellence.

The assembly contains 3415 m2 (36,760 sf) of green space, designed by Plant Architect and installed by Flynn. It is the city’s largest publically accessible green roof with modules containing various grasses, sedums, and perennials grown by LiveRoof Ontario Inc.

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University of Calgary’s Laboratory is LEED Platinum

The University of Calgary’s Energy Environment Experiential Learning (EEEL) centre has become one of the most efficient laboratories in North America with its Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Platinum certification.

The structure uses 78 per cent less energy than a typical laboratory, which are normally energy intensive. Triple-glazed windows provide extensive natural daylighting throughout the facility and light fixtures use sensors and schedules to control usage.

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Survey results support national trade standards

Recent survey results suggest Canadians want a national organization and standards to oversee the construction industry, including welding contractors.

In a public survey commissioned by the Canadian Welding Bureau (CWB), more than 1000 residents were questioned about product safety, internationally trained worker accreditation, and national industry supervision.

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