CaGBC celebrates 1000th project

There are now 1000 projects certified under the Canada Green Building Council’s (CaGBC’s) Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) program.

The 145 Certified, 316 Silver, 447 Gold, and 92 Platinum projects range from office towers to sports complexes across the country.

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‘Living infrastructure’ declaration looking for signatures

Sustainable building supporters have come together to develop an online Living Green Infrastructure Declaration, urging developers to plan environmentally responsible buildings and communities.

Organizations involved in the initiative include: Green Roofs for Healthy Cities (GRHC); Local Enhancement and Appreciation of Forests (LEAF); Ontario Parks Association (OPA); Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA); and Landscape Ontario.

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Accessible projects awarded in Edmonton

The annual City of Edmonton’s Mayor’s Awards honoured 10 projects for their inclusion of universal, accessible design features.

Administered by the Advisory Board on Services for Persons with Disabilities (ABSPD), awards are presented to architects, individuals, and organizations.

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New Sudbury water sports facility in the works

After outgrowing its current location, construction on a new facility for Sudbury, Ont.’s Northern Water Sports Centre (NWSC) is expected to begin next month.

The $3.7-million, 1383-m2 (14,900-sf) project, designed by Yallowega Bélanger Architecture, will replace the current facilities and provide new space for the city’s canoe club, rowing club, and dragon boat festival.

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Latest YMCA and PanAm project building up

A significant milestone in the construction of the YMCA and Pan Am/Parapan Am Athlete’s Village in Toronto was celebrated with the ‘topping off’ of the facility—the structure has reached its highest point.

Built to Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Gold standards, the 7618-m2 (82,000-sf) centre will serve as the Athlete’s Village during the 2015 Pan Am/Parapan Am Games and will then transition into a community centre in the fall of 2016.

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North American green roof industry growing

The Toronto-based Green Roofs for Healthy Cities (GRHC) says there has been a 24 per cent increase in North American vegetated roofing assembly installations in 2012.

For almost 10 years, the GRHC has been conducting the “Annual Green Roof Industry Survey” with its corporate members, who provide information such as location, building type, and square footage of their vegetated roofing assemblies.

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Canadian wood products help rebuild Japanese facilities

The Canadian lumber industry is helping to rebuild post-tsunami Japan by constructing various community facilities that were destroyed in 2011. This month marks the opening of the Yuriage Public Market.

The Canada-Tohoku Reconstruction Project is a $4.8-million investment from federal and provincial governments in addition to Canadian forest product companies.

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