Glass floor for an iconic salmon hatchery

About 15 months after a December 2013 fire completely destroyed the Mossom Creek Hatchery in Port Moody, B.C., the facility reopened thanks to the work of a group of volunteers, fundraising, and donated building products. Among its features, the project boasts a 60-minute insulated glass (IG) unit walkable glass floor/skylight.

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The Internet of Things, all the way to restrooms

Today, using technology is a normal, daily occurrence. In fact, as of 2014 about half of the country’s population owns a smartphone, allowing Canadians to be ‘connected’ and link with the rest of the world, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Although connections usually transpire between people, they are increasingly occurring between people and objects (watches, cars, refrigerators)—a phenomenon known as the ‘Internet of Things’ (IoT).

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Designing a low-maintenance vegetated roof

Throughout Canada, there are many beautiful, living vegetated roofs dotting urban landscapes that require care. Creating these green roofs is not only an esthetic choice, but also a major maintenance commitment. Some municipalities and cities, such as Toronto, require rooftop maintenance plans in order to obtain a vegetated roof permit.

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