Parliamentary privileges

The original design and construction of Canada’s Parliament Buildings were uniquely Canadian undertakings in all respects. This remarkable group of buildings, which began as the ‘Provincial Buildings Project,’ did not proceed without its share of conflicts, heated debates, and controversies.

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Building the proper invoice

In Ontario, issuance of an invoice is not an official pre-condition to the registration of a Claim for Lien, but this may soon change. Several of the proposed changes to the act include timelines triggered by the delivery of a “proper invoice.”

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Gypsum industry hit with new Canadian duty case

Dumping is a form of international price discrimination, in which the price of the product when sold in the importing country is less than the price for the same product in the exporting country’s market. Anti-dumping laws are intended to protect Canada’s domestic industry against unfairly traded goods from other countries. Find out how a new situation involving gypsum board could affect you.

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Dispelling the myth of the maintenance-free vegetated roof

Maintenance-free vegetated roofs do not exist. The intensity and the frequency of maintenance varies with the plantings chosen, the density and coverage of those plants, and the maturity. After making certain in the design and implementation of the vegetated roof that accessibility has been ensured and potential problems headed off, maintenance is essential to perform on a regular basis.

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Can we future-proof our buildings?

Construction professionals and consultants deliberate over the past, present, and future of Canada’s built environment for a living. The topic is not just an academic debate—it is necessary to prepare for the future by applying lessons learned from the past. The concept of ‘future-proofing’ actually describes what we would normally term a ‘systematic approach’ to mitigating risk.

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Laminates go beyond the counter

When an architect or designer develop their material palette for a project, organic materials like wood and stone are often aspirational choices. Yet in many instances, these materials do not fit the client’s design budget, purpose, or application, and may not necessarily perform well for the space’s intended use. Thus, designers need beautiful, quality product alternatives to illuminate the beauty of a space while also meeting the functional needs. Laminate is often overlooked and under-celebrated. With almost limitless patterns and designs, low cost, versatility, and resilience, laminate is the go-to material for the design community.

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Onsite testing of fenestration components

Design/construction professionals can minimize their difficulties with onsite, or ‘in-situ,’ testing of fenestration components by adhering to certain well-established quality control (QC) principles that can reduce the chances of costly failures. However, there is little doubt onsite testing can be a complex undertaking.

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