Do you have your OMS?

The time requirements, and likely the initial cost, are the main obstacles to firms having their own office master specifications (OMS). However, it need not be such a frightening endeavour. In this article, I would like to share my experience, and show how having your own master specs can be achieved in a manner relatively easier than one might expect.

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Fracking sand facility built to another level

Source Energy Services (SES) is an industrial sand supplier. It has been determined to avoid the pitfalls of growing too quickly. Rather than putting up lesser structures that only meet immediate needs, the company strives to be at the forefront of trends and facility builds, ensuring their buildings (like a new one in Wembley, Atla.) will continue to serve them well for the long haul.

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New rec centre a success for Lunenburg

Nova Scotia’s south shore is notable for its deeply forested landscape and rolling hills overlooking the many bays along the Atlantic Ocean coastline. Therefore, it was a natural choice for a new lifestyle centre in Lunenburg County, where the locals have a long-standing connection to the timber industry.

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