Building more durable balconies

Balcony slab repairs are perhaps the most disruptive project that can take place in a multi-residential building or hotel. Vibrations from the jackhammers that must be used to remove concrete can travel through the entire building, making it unbearable for residents who are home during the process.

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Creating sustainable communities

A comprehensive master plan creates a well-defined and detailed framework for the development of a large site. As Canadian cities develop, intensify, and expand, it is becoming an increasingly common investment made by both private developers and municipal authorities. The master plan is a growing area of specialty, and one filled with opportunity for sustainable impact.

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The thin alternative to traditional masonry

Brick and stone masonry can create timeless buildings. Although they have been used for centuries for their esthetics, durability, and fire resistance, the full-bed veneer version of these materials requires a fairly robust structure for support. This is not always feasible on modern lightweight structures with smaller footings or lighter floor and roof framing. As stone and brick manufacturing methods improved, lighter thin versions of natural stone and brick—as well as concrete replicates of stone—began entering the market in the 1960s.

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