Building More Durable Balconies: To steel or not to steel

There are two basic balcony configurations: those with cantilevered slabs and those with slabs supported at the edges by shear walls. Slabs falling under the first category rely on the top matt of reinforcing steel for structural capacity. Slabs supported at the edges span side to side and require concrete that is reinforced with steel in the bottom of the slab.

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Building more durable balconies

Balcony slab repairs are perhaps the most disruptive project that can take place in a multi-residential building or hotel. Vibrations from the jackhammers that must be used to remove concrete can travel through the entire building, making it unbearable for residents who are home during the process.

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Creating sustainable communities

A comprehensive master plan creates a well-defined and detailed framework for the development of a large site. As Canadian cities develop, intensify, and expand, it is becoming an increasingly common investment made by both private developers and municipal authorities. The master plan is a growing area of specialty, and one filled with opportunity for sustainable impact.

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