Benefits of airtightness testing

Performing airtightness testing on Part 3 buildings has been limited to high-performance projects. However, there is now a trend of mandatory airtightness testing in North America. With the third version, the Toronto Green Standard (TGS) almost catches up with industry peers in Europe, Washington State, and British Columbia in requiring whole-building airtightness testing of Tier 2, 3, and 4 buildings.

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Optimizing cold weather concreting practices

Concrete temperature monitoring becomes more critical in cold weather as low temperatures decrease the rate of strength development affecting the durability of the structure. For this reason, accurate and consistent temperature readings of concrete elements are important so that the quality of the structure is optimized.

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Styling with fire-rated glass

The last few decades have witnessed an explosion of innovation in fire-rated glass, glazing, and framing materials. Today’s product range offers options that surpass traditional wired glass in fire performance and provides a variety of appearances that contributes to and enhances the overall design of fire-rated separation.

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New finish options for EIFS

Exterior insulation and finish systems (EIFS) are above-grade, exterior wall claddings used across the country on residential and commercial buildings. It is a popular cladding choice due to benefits such as high thermal efficiency, cost effectiveness, and design versatility.

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