Measuring wood’s moisture content

Wood is an exceptionally versatile and attractive building material that has been used in construction for thousands of years. Wood’s advantages in construction are many. It is extremely strong in relation to its weight, is widely available, and is economically competitive with other types of building materials. Additionally, wood is durable, reusable, and carries the lowest carbon footprint of any comparable building material.

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Surveying the 2020 design/construction landscape

For several years, Construction Canada has conducted an annual salary survey, asking readers about the state of the country’s construction industry. This, of course, is the sector responsible for designing, creating, and maintaining our built environment, whether it is condo towers and mixed-use mid-rises, or hospitals, schools, and offices.

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A reintroduction to acoustics

Acoustics is a vital part of our everyday experience of the built environment; however, the role background sound plays in making these environments more comfortable for occupants is often overlooked. As a result, the misconception persists that acoustical dissatisfaction and lack of speech privacy can be resolved merely by limiting noise levels or blocking transmission.

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Five common mistakes made in the façade industry

Looking at the façade industry today and for the future, there is a progression toward lightweight/low-mass solutions. This is in response to the demand for lowering the amount of embodied energy in the construction industry in an effort to address environmental impact of buildings. Lowering the weight suspended from the building superstructure will also save costs.

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Passive House goes to work

The benefits of high-performance buildings are being recognized by owners, designers, and policy-makers alike. This led to an uptake in Passive House (PH) design, as it is widely recognized as the most rigorous energy-based standard in the construction industry today.

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