Unlocking architectural hardware in Vancouver

At its luncheon meeting on Thursday, February 12, the Vancouver Chapter of CSC is hosting a technical presentation on door hardware. The discussion, led by Allegion Canada’s April Wells, DHI, CDC, TR AHC, will pose important questions that must be answered to ensure the proper materials are being specified for a project

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Message From the President: Ever-changing Sustainability

Recently, I was researching into volatile organic compound (VOC) levels for epoxy coatings to meet Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Healthcare requirements. I was well aware of the different levels of familiarity with sustainable measures, and how challenging they are to incorporate into specifications. Why is there no guideline document to help write specifications for this? But then I remembered the planned CSC Green Tek-Aid… and why it never came to be.

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CSC No Frills returns to Toronto

CSC’s Toronto Chapter will be hosting the 37th annual No Frills Show on Thursday, March 5. The one-day event will be held in Constitution Hall of the Metro Toronto Convention Centre’s (MTCC’s) North Building. It kicks off with a brief Connections Café, followed by a luncheon with guest speaker (and Ontario premier), Kathleen Wynne, followed by a table-top trade show.

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Message From the President: The ‘C’ in IFC

There’s been a growing reliance on documents issued during construction are modified to include changes made during the bid period. There is generally no contractual obligation to provide these updates—we do this because it is easier to interpret the design intent during the contract administration phase, and it is the modern version of the old days’ cut-and-paste method.

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