Canadian Museum for Human Rights: Project details

by mdoyle | May 30, 2014 3:55 pm

Image courtesy Antoine Predock Architect[1]
Image courtesy Antoine Predock Architect

“The Canadian Museum for Human Rights is rooted in humanity, making visible in the architecture the fundamental commonality of humankind—a symbolic apparition of ice, clouds, and stone set in a field of sweet grass. Carved into the earth and dissolving into the sky on the Winnipeg horizon, the abstract ephemeral wings of a white dove embrace a mythic stone mountain of 450-million-year-old Tyndall limestone in the creation of a unifying and timeless landmark for all nations and cultures of the world.”
—Antoine Predock

CMHR: By the Numbers
9: years from architectural inception to project completion (2004 to 2013—contract documents began in December 2008)
44: months for structural construction (April 2009 to December 2012)
20: months between the start of caissons construction and concrete topping off (April 2009 to November 2010)
16: months for structural steel erection (July 2010 to November 2011)
350,000,000: approximate construction cost in dollars
50: height, in metres, to the top of the Cloud Roof
100: height, in metres, to the top of Tower of Hope
24,500: area, in square metres, of total floor space
4500: area, in square metres, of exhibition space
5100: metric tonnes of structural steel
165,000: bolts
18,000: cubic metres of concrete
800: metres of pedestrian ramps
4000: metres of masonry shelf angles
6000: concrete fasteners
2500: embedded plates
2300: concrete insert tie-ins

Project Team
Design architect: Antoine Predock Architect
Executive architect: Smith Carter
Structural engineer: Yolles, A CH2M HILL Company
Mechanical engineer: The Mitchell Partnership Inc.
Electrical engineer: Mulvey+Banani International Inc.
Exhibit designer: Ralph Applebaum Associates
Construction manager: PCL Constructors Canada Inc.
Steel fabricator: Walters Inc.
Glazing supplier: Josef Gartner GmbH

To read the full article, click here[2].

  1. [Image]:
  2. here:

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